Hi there! 👋

I am Andreas — a UX Designer & Researcher with a background in Neuroscience as well as a keen interest in Responsible Design Practices, Artificial Intelligence and Design Education.

I have spent the last 15 years in the UX space, at the intersection of UX Research and Design. I currently co-run Studio Llama, a design studio and UX collective in Zürich. I have worked directly for die Mobiliar, Scandit, ethix, bexio, Art Basel, Protekta, JustGiving, Time Out London, esurance and others through agency work.
Responsible Design Practices

We at Studio Llama are currently working on a framework for responsible design practices. I have also supported ethix in their efforts towards responsible UX design and currently co-moderate the Ethical Design Discussion Club.

Artificial Intelligence

I have worked on brain-inspired AI academically, carried out UX research on acceptance of AI systems in conjunction with the ETH Mobiliar Lab for Analytics and have written and talked about AI for designers in 2019.

Design Education

I have created a design education program within the Mobiliar and have taught UX Research at the MAS Strategic Design at the Zurich University of Arts.